Friday, January 29, 2010

Doll Cake ready for Grammy 2010

this dress is inspired by a dress worn by Miley Cyrus for Oscar 2009, well of coz different colors and i change it to just ruffles...
love the clutch!

i was stuck in highway when i got a phone call from Mimi wanted 100 of cupcakes and doll cake i said 'yes' before she told me 'i pick it up tomorow night'..then i fanted!!! (knowing i already have 3 3D cakes to do... and she's my neighbour...)
anyways... practice makes perfect, i need those practices to be perfect!! so i took the order and done!! thanks Mimie, love ya!
btw i did all the GP topper first before i started with baking

Wedding Favour

wedding gown platter!

tuxedo cookies!! yummie!

wedding favor in its box...ready to deliver

i had so much fun (and strained) while doing these hundreds of cookies, fun because it's really fun decorating and filling the run-outs but strained coz body was feeling unwell and my boy was clinging around me...phew!

Cake for beloved mother-in-law

i've not mastered buttercream since work a lot with fondant so having this order is kinda practice for me... it's more like a repeatitionof wilton Course 1!! :-))

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Fruit tarts!

I bet you wont get enough of it!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010